Pilgrim Watch
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station

Pilgrim Watch is a non-profit organization, focused on providing factual information on safety issues at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, located in Plymouth Massachusetts and now owned by Holtec Pilgrim, LLC.

Pilgrim operated from 1972-2019, and the decommissioning process began May 31, 2019.

It is important that the public, community leaders, and press are informed about decommissioning in order to participate in the process to bring about a safe and clean outcome, and to ensure that the Commonwealth is not left to be the payer of last resort.

It is also important to learn about Pilgrim’s operations from 1972-2019. Lessons learned may help other sites avoid mistakes.

For the facts see the following documents:


Mary and James Lampert     
Pilgrim Watch                       
Duxbury, MA                         